Food Supply and Benefits
Solutions for Care clients have access to an array of innovative kitchen interventions, saving schemes and benefits that will enable your home to provide the very best quality of food to your residents.
These include:
- FREE cost review of all food expenditure – Solutions for Care provide sustainable reduced costs without compromising on quality of produce or service
- Kitchen manual – The perfect kitchen resource to help you achieve an outstanding catering service, which includes:
The IDDSI framework, explained, broken down, simplified and includes “top tips” to execute perfect textured modified foods
Information and ideas for nourishing drinks, hydration and snack box items
Creative meal and snack solutions – Dementia residents commonly lose weight – We provide ideas that can help those who suffer most
How to enhance and enrich the flavour of food – Taste buds deteriorate with age, therefore, we provide an innovative approach to flavour to provide residents with the tastiest plate of food that will make the meal times more palatable
Grazing menu templates and sample recipes – Break away from a traditional rigid menu, still comply with CQC guidelines and adapt to suit residents, staffing capability and service timings
Four week sample menu and twelve sample recipes – Start straight away with a new menu cycle – Chefs get bored cooking the same food so imagine how residents must feel.
Menu analysis checklist in line with The British Dietetic Association Guidelines – Compliance, better standards….one less worry
Information on hydration with exclusive special offers – Tasty, sugar and allergen free and encourages increased fluid intake which has, on occasions, seen UTI’s reduced by up to 15%.
Allergen support – Still critical, still required, still not always being documented correctly. Let us help.
- A substantial bank of nutritionally detailed recipes
- Tailored kitchen visits and training